Weather data from 13.09.2023 at 21:02

The Open Source Weather station development site compares weather data measured with an arduino microcontroller based weather station
with the ones measured by a DAVIS Vantage pro 2.

This page is still experimental and will probably stay experimental

Outside temperature Current 17.1 °C Max. (12:49) 22.6 °C Min. (19:49) 17.1 °C
GWP/Outside temperature Current 17.5 °C Max. (12:50) 22.9 °C Min. (19:39) 17.5 °C
Outside Humidity 96 % Max. (18:32) 96.0 % Min. (13:20) 72.0 %
GWP/Outside Humidity 92 % Max. (18:04) 92.0 % Min. (13:20) 74.0 %
Wind Current 3.2 km/h aus NNW Max. (05:11) 4.7 km/h Max. gust (06:32) 11.2 km/h
GWP/Wind Current 1.4 km/h aus NNO Max. (14:13) 7.9 km/h Max. gust (14:14) 10.4 km/h
Rain/Snowfall Last hour 0.00 mm Current day 12.20 mm Current month 13.40 mm
GWP/Rain/Snowfall Last hour 0.00 mm Current day 11.80 mm Current month 12.60 mm

Temperature and Humidity last 24h (GWP-DAVIS)

Pressure last 24h (GWP-DAVIS)

Windspeed and Windgust last 24h (GWP-DAVIS)

Windspeed and Windgust last 24h (DAVIS)

Windspeed and Windgust last 24h (GWP)

Rainrate and Raintotal last 24h (GWP-DAVIS)

Rainrate and Raintotal last 24h (DAVIS)

Rainrate and Raintotal last 24h (GWP)

Lightlevel (GWP)

Winddirection (DAVIS - GWP)

Winddirection (DAVIS)

Winddirection (DAVIS)